Nov 1, 2022
In this week’s episode, we talk about the depth and intricacies of Biblical justice.
    Nov 1, 2022
    In this week’s episode, we talk about the depth and intricacies of Biblical justice.
  • Nov 1, 2022IBR Ep 110- What Does God Require of You?
    Nov 1, 2022
    IBR Ep 110- What Does God Require of You?
    In this week’s episode, we are in Parsha Eikev and dealing with the question, “What does your God require of you?”
  • Aug 9, 2022IBR Ep 109- Tisha B’Av…So What?
    Aug 9, 2022
    IBR Ep 109- Tisha B’Av…So What?
    This past weekend, our Jewish brothers and sisters mourned and fasted in memory of the darkest day in Jewish history. How many of us know about it? How many of us care? What is Tisha B'Av and why should we care? All of that and more in this week's episode.
  • Aug 9, 2022IBR Ep 108- Parsha Pinchas- Righteous Responsibility
    Aug 9, 2022
    IBR Ep 108- Parsha Pinchas- Righteous Responsibility
    Shalom everyone! In this episode of IBR, we are talking through the beginning of Parasha Pinchas. How is it that Pinchas gets to basically get away with wanton murder? Some new information may help us solve this perplexing question. Also, can we take from Pinchas’ lead and take matters of judgement into our own hands? We’ll answer all these questions in this week’s episode.
  • Jun 27, 2022IBR Ep 106- Parsha Korach- Spies, Giants, and an Earthquake
    Jun 27, 2022
    IBR Ep 106- Parsha Korach- Spies, Giants, and an Earthquake
    In today's episode, we begin in last week's parsha, go back to Genesis, before finally arriving in this week's parsha, Korach. There is an interesting theme that. flows through the entirety of Scripture...that God focuses His voice on a nation's leaders.
  • Jun 27, 2022IBR Ep 105- Parsha Shelach- Sending Grasshoppers
    Jun 27, 2022
    IBR Ep 105- Parsha Shelach- Sending Grasshoppers
    Parsha Shelach is packed with events, beginning with the sending of the spies. While there are many questions that surround this event, our topic today is going to focus on one phrase of the ten spies about grasshoppers. We can't help but compare and contrast ourselves with these spies and how we see ourselves affects how we walk with God.
  • Jun 7, 2022IBR Ep 104- So Shavuot…Now What?
    Jun 7, 2022
    IBR Ep 104- So Shavuot…Now What?
    Shavuot often doesn't get it's fair share of attention. How often do we celebrate it and move on to the next festival? Just because it's a one day festival doesn't mean it lacks importance and relevance and isn't worthy of our complete and total attention and observance. Shavuot's impacts should also be realized each and every day following, way into the future.
  • Jun 7, 2022IBR Ep 103- B’chukotai
    Jun 7, 2022
    IBR Ep 103- B’chukotai
    In this week’s episode, we spend the entire show talking about three key phrases in the beginning of this week’s parashat.
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  • Jun 7, 2022IBR Ep 102- Ahav & Chesed- A New Look
    Jun 7, 2022
    IBR Ep 102- Ahav & Chesed- A New Look
    Love your enemies. Treat everyone with the same lovingkindness God has shown you. Both Scriptural commandments and very good advice, but how many find these harder to actually live out in your everyday life? In this episode, we talk about a new way to expand our understandings of these foundational, Godly qualities.
  • Jun 7, 2022IBR Ep 101- Parashat Emor- More Than Just Holidays
    Jun 7, 2022
    IBR Ep 101- Parashat Emor- More Than Just Holidays
    This week, we share a throw-back teaching on Parashat Emor from 2018. We often, much like the traditions we come from, focus on only a few “pet” Scriptures. These tend to be things about dietary laws, calendar, and the Name. In this teaching, we invite you to look past those Scriptures that are familiar and easy in order to gain broader wisdom from the Torah.
  • Jun 7, 2022IBR Ep 100- Parashat Kedoshim (Holy Ones)
    Jun 7, 2022
    IBR Ep 100- Parashat Kedoshim (Holy Ones)
    In Parashat Kedoshim (Lev. 19), we are commanded to be holy as HaShem is holy. There are many ways to understand holiness and today we will explore an important aspect of holiness, how it is to be understood, and how we can live it out in our world.
  • Jun 7, 2022IBR Ep 99- Messiah’s Meal
    Jun 7, 2022
    IBR Ep 99- Messiah’s Meal
    Let’s face it, by the end of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, most of us are ready to be done and can’t wait to sink our teeth into a big, doughy pizza. But did you know that there has been a long standing tradition among some religious Jews to hold a seder at the end of the Passover week? This seder is called Seudah haMoshiah, Messiah’s Meal. In this episode we’ll discuss the meal and what it could mean to us.
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  • Jun 7, 2022IBR Ep 98- Passover as Protest (Part 2)
    Jun 7, 2022
    IBR Ep 98- Passover as Protest (Part 2)
    In this week’s episode, we are continuing to expand our understanding of Passover. May the wonder and challenge that is Passover continue to shape our actions and responsibilities as we protest injustice, hopelessness, and the oppression of empire.
  • Jun 7, 2022IBR Ep 97- Passover as Protest (Part 1)
    Jun 7, 2022
    IBR Ep 97- Passover as Protest (Part 1)
    There are many layers to the beautiful season of Passover. In these next two episodes, we will talk about the Exodus, Passover, and the giving of the Torah, as protest against the empirical ideal embodied in Egypt.
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  • Jun 7, 2022IBR Ep 96- Parashat Sh’mni
    Jun 7, 2022
    IBR Ep 96- Parashat Sh’mni
    Parsha Sh’mini is a beautiful picture of the ultimate purpose of Scripture and the heart of God. In our everyday lives, we are on the constant cycle, some may say hamster wheel, of work days and weekends. We deal with the stresses of life all while longing for the rest of the weekend. In parsha Sh’mini, we see the concept of the eighth day, a day that connotes a continuation of the peace and completeness we find in the Shabbat.
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  • Jun 7, 2022IBR Ep 95- Parashat Vayikra- The Call
    Jun 7, 2022
    IBR Ep 95- Parashat Vayikra- The Call
    For so many Christians, we are obsessed with God’s call. This desire, while admirable, is often misplaced. Oddly, we spend our entire lives seeking God’s call, while never reading the book of Scripture titled, “He called”. In this week’s parsha, Vayikra, we are challenged by the first two words…”He called”.
  • Jun 7, 2022IBR Ep 94- Parasha Pekudei
    Jun 7, 2022
    IBR Ep 94- Parasha Pekudei
    Moses gathered the people to explain the commandments and instructions for the Tabernacle. After Moses finishes his explanation, the people leave. The first of these commandments is Shabbat. In this week’s episode, we want to discuss what happens between our weekly Shabbat. Are we working six days to bring Kingdom?
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  • Jun 7, 2022IBR Ep 93- Parasha Terumah- A Worthy Housing
    Jun 7, 2022
    IBR Ep 93- Parasha Terumah- A Worthy Housing
    n Parsha Terumah, the Children of Israel are commanded to build Gd a house. How is it that humans could build a dwelling place for the Holy King of the universe? How is His presence not offended by our lack? What does it take to maintain this holy habitation and what does that tell us about our lives today? All that and more in this week’s episode!
  • Feb 11, 2022IBR Ep 92- Parsha Terumah- A Worthy Housing
    Feb 11, 2022
    IBR Ep 92- Parsha Terumah- A Worthy Housing
    In Parsha Terumah, God commands the nation of Israel to build Him a dwelling place, that He may dwell. But what does it take for a dwelling to be appropriate for the Creator of the Universe? Moreso, what does it take to maintain and sustain that criteria? In today’s episode, we talk about being a worthy housing.
  • Feb 11, 2022IBR Ep 91- Parsha Mishpatim- Hebrew Slavery
    Feb 11, 2022
    IBR Ep 91- Parsha Mishpatim- Hebrew Slavery
    Parsha Mishpatim begins by speaking about Hebrew slaves (Ebed Ivrit). How are we to understand this concept? Is what’s being explained in the Torah similar to the atrocity of slavery that was experienced in American history? Does the Bible teach slavery? Does God endorse slavery? Today, we are going to tackle the issue and shed some light!
  • Feb 11, 2022IBR Ep 90- The Torah as Community
    Feb 11, 2022
    IBR Ep 90- The Torah as Community
    In this week’s episode we discuss the importance of community in keeping the commandments. In actuality, the Torah can not be kept outside of community. How does that affect us today, when most of us live in places that are not Torah pursuant? Join in to today’s episode to find out.
  • Feb 11, 2022IBR Ep 89- The Challenge with Emmanuel (Part 2)
    Feb 11, 2022
    IBR Ep 89- The Challenge with Emmanuel (Part 2)
    In this episode, we continue our discussion on Emmanuel. While God dwells here in the hearts and lives of His creation and that is cause for joy, it is important for us to remember that God is holy and there are responsibilities that come along with the blessing of His presence.
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  • Dec 30, 2021IBR Ep 88- The Challenge with Emmanuel (Part 1)
    Dec 30, 2021
    IBR Ep 88- The Challenge with Emmanuel (Part 1)
    Emmanuel, God with us. A celebration of hope, strength, faithfulness. But there is another side to the fact that God is with us. In this episode, we look back in Scripture to explore the concept of God being present with His people and what this looks like in the Biblical context. 
  • Dec 30, 2021IBR Ep 87- What Does Daniel have to do with Hanukkah? (Part 2)
    Dec 30, 2021
    IBR Ep 87- What Does Daniel have to do with Hanukkah? (Part 2)
    In this week's episode, we continue our discussion about Daniel's relation to Hanukkah.
  • Dec 30, 2021IBR Ep 86- What does Daniel Have to do with Hanukkah? (Part 1)
    Dec 30, 2021
    IBR Ep 86- What does Daniel Have to do with Hanukkah? (Part 1)
    We don’t often know alot about the time in between the Testaments of our Bibles and there is much misunderstanding surrounding this period. It is a time of incredible upheaval in the Land of Israel and for the Jewish people. This week, we start to take a look at what this period was like and how it affected the life & ministry of Yeshua.